Harriet Tubman

The Fearless Conductor

We meet Young Harriet or “Minty” as her friends call her, in a wooded grove near her family's slave quarters. She has created a labyrinth of secret passages and corridors in the woods where she guides Sarah and her friends to safety. Making sure no one is left behind and that they “go on” despite the circumstances, Harriet reveals to Sarah how she is a true friend and protector.

About Harriet Tubman

Araminta Harriet Ross escaped slavery in 1849 and left Mayland for Pennsylvania through a route called the Underground Railroad, an elaborate secret network of safe houses. When she got to Pennsylvania the feeling of freedom was so amazing that rather than remaining in safety, Harriet made it her mission to rescue her family and other people living in slavery through the Underground Railroad. She knew the path well and the songs to guide them - some which she created herself! Her nickname changed from Minty to Moses for her courage and leadership. She never derailed, even when laws changed and freed people lost their protection and bounty hunters could catch and return them to slavery. Not on Harriet’s watch! She re-routed the Underground Railroad to Canada, which prohibited slavery. Harriet Tubman was the first woman in the Civil War to lead an army batallion which liberated more than 700 slaves in South Carolina. After the war ended, Harriet was given land in New York where she dedicated her life to helping poor freed people and the elderly. Harriet Tubman was brave and bold and fearless, she was the ultimate Conductor of the Underground Railroad and she NEVER lost a passenger.

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